In my parents’ guest bathroom hangs a sign that reads: What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. This sign about God’s gifts and how we should use them has hung there for years. When my questioning faith journey came to the place where I walked away from the God of the Bible, I wondered if I also walked away from the…
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Questioning Faith
Gratitude for Noise
A Noise Warning I got a bit of a noise warning when Mom called me on Easter Sunday morning. This turn in my faith life has been hard on her, I think. “So you’re not going to church today?” she asked. “No, I’m not,” I confirmed. “Well, if you would just set aside all this noise and seek Jesus, He’ll come to you. I know that.” When we hung up,…
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Oh, My Little Loves (6-3)
It seems fitting to post this today, on Mother’s Day. When I re-read this entry from my week six of my Questioning Faith Journal now (three years after I originally wrote it) I still mean every word. The best thing I have ever done in my life is give birth to Firstborn and Secondborn. Because of them, I authentically know how a parent should and can love: with wild, unfettered,…
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Dragons Welcome (7-1)
The subject matter in this post from week 7 of my Questioning Faith Journal came up again recently. A Catholic friend warned me that I was “opening a door and introducing your children to the spirit of the Antichrist” because I let my kiddos read and watch the Harry Potter stories. Sigh. This fear and censorship of stories is something I am so happy to have out of my life….
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The “Christian” Value of Righteousness Above Relationship (6-1)
This entry is from Week 6 of my Questioning Faith Journal, which I wrote during a year of allowing myself to question evangelical Christianity and my place in it. I have gone back and removed the woman’s real name from the entry as I’m not sure it serves a lasting positive purpose to name her. The point of my writing was that her choices starkly revealed a behavior/belief of my…
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