It’s Been a Minute… I haven’t posted in a long while, violating all the standards and rules for building a brand. That’s okay. Freevangelic isn’t a business or a brand. It’s an honest journey of being. I’m not here to post for algorithm’s sake. When I arrive at something that feels worthy to share, I know the time has come to type. That time is now. how this awareness came…
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Pure Hell: Purity Culture Fallout
After more than 25 years, the fallout of the Purity Movement within evangelical Christianity has made national headlines through a mass murder conducted by a man who says he was eliminating temptation from his life. Rebeca and Charlie discuss how this decades-old movement shaped their sexuality, personal identities, and marriage and how it continues to shape and damage young people in the church. Listen to “Pure Hell: Purity Culture Fallout”…
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Shedding Your Old Skin
March 5, 2021 In this episode, the Freevangelics talk about how as we grow into new knowledge, wisdom, and maturity in the search for Truth we outgrow the old skin of evangelical belief and have to shed it, much like the gumbo limbo tree of Florida does as it grows. Throughout our growth we may shed multiple skins as our wisdom increases, but in doing so we open ourselves to…
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