In the third installment of the FREEVANGELIC Podcast, Rebeca and Charlie interview former Southern Baptist minister Tim Sledge, author of “Goodbye Jesus: An Evangelical Preacher’s Journey Beyond Faith.” The former Christians uncover striking similarities in their experiences and interests despite having never known each other.
We’re still new at this whole podcasting and interviewing thing – so please ignore the little audio hiccups/feedback here and there!
We love hearing your thoughts, comments, and questions! Feel free to share them below about this episode or any of the podcasts.
We’re also hard at work on more episodes featuring other people on Freevangelic journeys, insight into Bible issues, other ways of thinking about faith, and more. If you have a particular topic you’d like us to consider, bring it on! This podcast and blog are for all of us on an honest quest to find and live in Truth.
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