Charlie asks Rebeca about authority sources for parenting when, “Because the Bible says so,” isn’t an option. His question comes at a time when a video showing John MacArthur telling Beth Moore to “Go home,” is making the social media rounds. His basis for the command is that Bible doesn’t allow females to preach. So, Rebeca and Charlie dig in to the history and origin of popular Bible translations. Can…
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The FREEVANGELIC Podcast – Do We Still Need God?
Charles and Rebeca cover lots of questions and ideas in this episode of The FREEVANGELIC Podcast. Why do humans exhibit the need for a deity in their lives? Are we becoming a post-deity society wherein our knowledge explains what had been mystical? Is it enough to stand in awe without ascribing it to a god? Can morals exist without a god?The search for Truth continues! They also discuss the book…
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The FREEVANGELIC Podcast: 15th Wedding Anniversary
In this 5th episode of the FREEVANGELIC Podcast – recorded on our 15th wedding anniversary – Hubs and I discuss how leaving the evangelical Christian community three years ago has impacted our marriage. And then we let the kiddos speak. (Yep, we’re just that nuts.) What they said surprised us and maybe it’ll surprise you, too. Thanks for being a listening part of our lives and quest to live True….
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Charlie’s Reaction: FREEVANGELIC Podcast #1
I told Hubs (Charlie) that people were asking about his reaction when I came to him with the news that I was leaving evangelical Christianity – that I was going to allow myself to explore freely. So, I asked him to write a post. He said, “Nope. You’re the writer…but I’ll record a podcast with you.” And here it is! The inaugural episode of The Freevangelic Podcast. Rebeca’s husband, Charlie,…
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