Misquoting Jesus Is today’s Bible what was written almost 2,000 years ago? In the 1,500 years between the time of Jesus and the invention of the printing press, the gospels and letters of the New Testament were repeatedly hand-copied by scribes, at first amateurs and later professionals. We examine this process and the changes that were made, both accidental and intentional, through the book “Misquoting Jesus” by Bart Ehrman. (Also,…
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The FREEVANGELIC Podcast – Gospel Truth
In this episode, Rebeca and Charlie reveal summer plans and then have a great (if longer than Rebeca would like) discussion about the historical Jesus and Russell Shorto‘s book “Gospel Truth.” Was Jesus actually born of a virgin? Did he really change water into wine? What is the truth about Jesus’ healing miracles? What did he mean by “The Kingdom of Heaven” or “Kingdom of God?” Was Jesus trying to…
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Bible Contradictions: FREEVANGELIC Podcast #2
In the second installment of The FREEVANGELIC Podcast, Rebeca and Charlie discuss which contradiction in the Bible and specific seeming cruelties of God chronicled in the Old Testament led to Rebeca pushing away from Christianity. You can follow along in 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21. In case you missed the first episode, you can find it here.